Now, this little one of mine. Big girl is a MONTH away from being a year old. Holy cow. It's awesome how much she changes day to day these days.
- She's crawling (fast!) , pulling up and walking (with help!) I love to see her standing up in her crib when I come into her room in the morning. She squeals with delight and it's seriously the best possible way to start my day.
- She is still a great eater. She's also into feeding me now. She will hold out soggy Cherrio or smushed up baked bean until I lean over and she can place it in my mouth. Too cute to resist!
- We tried juice for the first time the other day and she sucked it all down in record time. Then she looked at me like "mom, why have you been holding out on me?"
- She absolutely LOVES music and we sing all the time. Her current favorites are The Wheels On The Bus, The Hokey Pokey and the ABC's. Despite my less than stellar singing abilities, she lights up when I start and claps her hands. Thanks for the encouragement, kiddo!
- She plays great by herself but loves to play with us. She's getting the hang of puzzles and loves to share her toys with us. She is also a huge fan of Kleenex and is fascinated with tearing it into tiny, tiny little pieces.
- She's started waving bye-bye and blowing kisses. Oh my goodness. The cuteness is too much.