However, this way of thinking will not save lives. Preterm
birth is a huge problem for babies everywhere. A huge problem means that this is not an
uncommon issue. Common and shared problems can ultimately lead to shared
solutions. A pregnant mom in Kentucky, Egypt or Vietnam is still a pregnant
mom. And before she became a pregnant mom she was, and still is, a woman. A
woman who most likely has friends and family who love and support her, women
who she turns to for help and guidance.
Take a second and think about who those women are in your
life. Do you talk with them about the importance of consistent contraceptive use, folic acid, consumption, breastfeeding
or safe sleeping? I would bet many of us don’t. If your days are anything like
mine, we spend them immersed in educating the masses on a variety of maternal
and child health issues. We coordinate and evaluate our programs designed to
improve the birth outcomes for women we’ve never met. For many of us, it’s our
life’s work. But at 5pm (or some nights it’s much later) that life ends and we
go home to our other lives. Lives filled
with women that we do know and women
who are pregnant or one day hope to become pregnant.
Do we practice what we preach? Yes, we know women of child
bearing age need to be consuming folic acid to prevent birth defects. But do we? Do we encourage our girlfriends to
pop a multivitamin every morning? Yes, we know safe sleep practices can prevent infant mortality. But are we urging our new mommy friends to swaddle and remove bumper pad in the crib? Yes, we know the benefits of breastfeeding but are we supporting new moms in their quest to do so?
While we are off trying to save the world every day, have we
neglected ourselves and the women we know and love? Perhaps it’s time to take a
look around and see how we can advocate, educate and encourage in our own
little worlds. There’s no doubt: the maternal and child health future is
bright. And yes, we need to think globally. But let’s not forget healthy babies
start with acting locally.